Our School
Our school is named after Henry Munro, a descendant of a United Empire Loyalist who at one time owned the land on which our school was built. The first phase of Henry Munro Middle School was constructed in 1966, with an addition completed in 1969.
Our Students
Henry Munro has an enrolment of 560 students with ethnic and linguistic backgrounds representing over 30 countries. In addition to English and French, additional languages spoken by our students and their parents include: Arabic, Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese, Somali, Spanish, Russian, Kurdish, Punjabi, Farsi, Urdu, Gujarati, and Vietnamese. Our students come to us primarily from three kindergarten to grade 5 elementary schools: Carson Grove, LePhare and Robert Hopkins. When our students graduate from Henry Munro, they usually go to Gloucester or Colonel By secondary schools.
Our Staff
Henry Munro has 53 professional and dedicated teachers, educational assistants, administrative, and custodial staff, who work hard to improve and sustain a vibrant learning environment. As a result of a unique partnership between the OCDSB and the Ottawa Community Immigration Services Organization, Henry Munro has the benefit of the services of a Multicultural Liaison Officer. Our MLO speaks Somali and Arabic and helps us meet the needs of our personal and international school community.
Our Community
Henry Munro Middle School is located in the Beacon Hill North area of the City of Ottawa, and serves the Carson Grove, Pineview and Cyrville areas, as well as North and South Beacon Hill. We welcome volunteers to our school, and have a number of parents working with teachers and on School Council projects. The active Henry Munro School Council brings together parents, staff, and community representatives to advise and support our school in many ways. As well, School Council members have helped with numerous in-school projects such as Meet-the-Teacher night, the lunch program, the grade 8 leaving ceremony, and the school improvement for student achievement process.
Mission Statement
To develop and provide to each adolescent learner an education of the highest quality in a positive multicultural environment, with caring staff members focusing on the social, emotional, physical and intellectual development of the learner.
Programs and Services
Academic Programs
- Regular English with Core French
- Early French Immersion
Special Education and ESL Programs
All of our Special Education and ESL Programs are coordinated through the Student Support Services (SSS) Team.
- Grade 6/7/8 Congregated Behaviour Intervention Program.
- Gifted support and educational assessments through our Learning Support Teacher.
- Collaborative teaching strategies used by homeroom teachers and Student Support Service teachers to provide remedial help to exceptional students.
- English as a Second Language program.
- English Literacy Development.
Clubs and Activities
Henry Munro offers a large variety of lunch time and after school activities for our students, including:
- Intramural and inter-scholastic teams for both boys and girls in many different sports, including: soccer, cross-country, touch football, volleyball, badminton, dodge ball, basketball, and track and field.
- Drama club, school bands, vocal club, and rock band programs.
- ‘Pay it Forward’ and the ‘All in Student Action Committee’ to promote a positive school climate
- Other clubs and activities include environmental, chess, photography, yearbook, school dances, and board games.
Facilities and Resources
Our school facility features three courtyards, a computer lab, double gymnasium, and library; as well as Music, Drama and Science rooms. We are also technologically well equipped with SmartBoards, document cameras, media carts and a mobile iPad mini collection which all enhance student learning and achievement. Henry Munro has a large schoolyard with access to a community recreation area. During the winter our students are fortunate to have access to two outdoor community skating rinks